2006年11月26日 星期日

On and Off

Wondering aroung the blue meadow under the green sky......

It's a dream!

Seeing A's face coming out of B's voice......

It's a dream!

Confidently jump across the hole with no seeing ground. Land with awkwardness, but fail to balance and fall at last.....

It's a dream!

On and Off....I wonder every single bit of my bed......

It's five.....maybe it will be enough.......

Here by now googling for the answer that is nowhere to find.

2006年11月9日 星期四

[Movie]Thank You for Smoking(2005)

Directed by
Jason Reitman
Genre: Comedy (more)
Writing credits (WGA)
Jason Reitman (screenplay)
Christopher Buckley (novel)
Cast overview, first billed only:
Aaron Eckhart .... Nick Naylor
Maria Bello .... Polly Bailey
Cameron Bright .... Joey Naylor
Adam Brody .... Jack
Sam Elliott .... Lorne Lutch
Katie Holmes .... Heather Holloway
David Koechner .... Bobby Jay Bliss
Rob Lowe .... Jeff Megall
William H. Macy .... Senator Ortolan K. Finistirre
J.K. Simmons .... Budd 'BR' Rohrabacher

Plot Outline From IMDB:
Tobacco industry lobbyist Nick Naylor has a seemingly impossible task: promoting cigarette smoking in a time when the health hazards of the activity have become too plain to ignore. Nick, however, revels in his job, using argument and twisted logic to place, as often as not, his clients in the positions of either altruistic do-gooders or victims. Nick's son Joey needs to understand and respect his dad's philosophy, and Nick works hard to respond to that need without compromising his lack of values. When a beautiful news reporter betrays Nick's sexually-achieved trust, his world seems in danger of collapsing. But there's always one more coffin nail in Nick's pack.

Funny Stuff:

Tax Williams, Smoke, Smoke, Smoke that Cigarette!

Now I'm a feller with a heart of gold
And the ways of a gentleman I've been told
The kind of guy that wouldn't even harm a flea
But if me and a certain character met
The guy that invented the cigarette
I'd murder that son-of-a-gun in the first degree

It ain't cuz I don't smoke myself
And I don't reckon that it'll harm your health
Smoked all my life and I ain't dead yet

But nicotine slaves are all the same
At a pettin' party or a poker game
Everything gotta stop while they have a cigarette

Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death
Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette

Now in a game of chance the other night
Old Dame Fortune was a-doin' me right
The kings and the queens just kept on comin' round

And I got a full and I bet 'em high
But my bluff didn't work on a certain guy
He just kept on raisin' and layin' that money down

Now he'd raise me and I'd raise him
I sweated blood, gotta sink or swim
He finally called and didn't even raise the bet

So I said "aces full Pops how 'bout you?"
He said "I'll tell you in a minute or two
But right now, I gotta have me a cigarette"

Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death
Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hates to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette

(Ah, smoke it! Hah! Yes! Yes! Yes!)

The other night I had a date
With the cutest little girl in the forty eight States
A high-bred, uptown, fancy little dame

She loved me and it seemed to me
That things were 'bout like they oughta be
So hand in hand we strolled down lover's lane

She was oh so far from a cake of ice
And our smoochin' party was goin' nice
So help me cats I believe I'd be there yet

But I give her a kiss and a little squeeze
And she said, "ah, Tex, excuse me please
I just gotta have me another, cigarette"

And she said, smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette
Puff, puff, puff and if you smoke yourself to death
Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate
That you hate to make him wait
But you just gotta have another cigarette.


From a Galaxy far far away.....,電影到了今天早就已經遠遠脫離了那個星際大戰,克林貢人和博格人對打的時代。電影中為了拯救世界,藉著世界被毀滅的大陣仗,來展現導演和有錢電影製片公司所謂【製作電影】所展現出來的熱忱。其實說到頭,也不過就是滿足了廣大電影影迷,在坐不到太空船、射不到雷射槍甚至於是搭不到鐵達尼號的平凡人生,藉著Indiana Jones + Jerry Maquire(Real Winner)的主角來幫平凡的大家去體驗所謂不平凡的人生。電影是全世界人的夢想,我想是可以這麼說得沒錯吧!

近年來,好萊塢的電影越來越缺乏了吸引人的動力,除了特效還是特效。在觀眾胃口被養大的情況下,摔飛機、炸大樓、沈船,甚至於到了率領外星人帶著三腳怪物來毀滅地球的無敵特效片,都成了我不想去看得電影。聲光的刺激也許能夠吸引大眾的目光,可是沒意思的劇情,卻讓人沒有懷念的意義。以往電影的那份【真誠】和對自己生活的投射作用,似乎慢慢的失去了,也許好的劇本(或說故事)需要沈澱的時間。在英國無聊的時光裡,除了看電影研究電影新花樣之外,也不忘在老電影中挖寶,但這個電影【Thank You For Smoking】真的是近期值得推薦的電影,跟也是近期同樣性質的電影【The Deval Wears Prada】一樣帶著警世意味。不過跟Prada比起來,每天累計殺1200人的lobbyist(發言人)賞給人的巴掌,更是響亮而回味無窮。也許尋找工作或是在英國的生活上遇到一些事,讓我對於這個lobbyist工作所需要的Moral flexibility更有感覺也說不定。

電影的主角Nick Naylar,是The Academe of Tobacco(煙草學院)的副總裁兼發言人,負責的就是Big Tobacco(大煙草公司)的Spin control(散佈【事實?】....),而電影中他也自述,他就是The guy who can pick on any gril.一般宅男們(losers)最恨的那種【嘴炮天王】。電影裡,導演和編劇(當然還有原著小說作者),不斷的賞給觀眾們熱辣辣的巴掌,用主角成功的扭轉情勢的劇情,散佈著大米國的哪種Winner gets all的想法,鼓勵著我們這些躲在電影院看電影的losers趕快爬出自己的小窩,去好好的【幹一番】大事業。但,你準備好了嗎?你準備好了成為那個除了匈奴單于(殺人數以百萬計)或是希特勒之後世界殺人第三多的人嗎?


Like you said to me. If you want an easy job, you should go work for reb cross.
If your job is to be generally hateful, just be generally hateful.
You are the best on what you do.

不曉得大家看得重點是什麼?不過我要說的是,我看得重點並不是"be generally hateful"
而是"you are the best on what you do"

2006年11月1日 星期三

Heaviest Lightness











